I start
my studies in Belgium


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Studely blocked account recognized and accepted by the Office des étrangers, consulates and communes in Belgium To find out more >
service studely

I get my blocked account or AVI for my student visa or residence permit


I subscribe to my travel insurance


I pay my tuition fees

With Studely, my blocked account is reliable and secure
is reliable and secure

My blocked account
in less than 24h !*

A rental guarantee

Useful for my search
of housing

A secure service

(The deposit is made immediately
to a bank account in my name.)

* After receiving the funds
Offres studely
By choosing Studely's «Blocked Accout», I benefit from a secure and reliable proof of resources for Belgian consular services and municipalities.To obtain a visa or renew your... To find out more >

Before or after my arrivalin in Belgium, I choose

the security package which suits me !
studely man


Blocked Account*

Recognized by the Office des étrangers

Blocked account request in 5 minutes

Secure account with no external accessBlocked account opened in your name

RIB in your name immediately available
after signing the contract
of service

Quick & easy access to your monthly payments

Access to STUDELY’s scholarship offer

No monthly fees

Funds can be deposited in a STUDELY bank account from our representative offices in Africa.

350 €
I subscribe


Blocked Account*

Travel insurance
3 months free

Studely Basic + additional benefits

Save up to €50.

No monthly fee

Travel insurance coverage with a €20K guarantee

Dedicated insurance advisor

Funds can be deposited in a STUDELY bank account from our representative offices in Africa.

400 €*

My blocked account Studely:

How it's work ?

I download the App,
fill in the form
and sign my contract


I transmit my documents(passport and admission letter) and I sign my contract electronically in order to obtain my RIB.


I transfer the
funds1 to my blocked account


I receive my blocked account attestation (AVI) on my app.


In Belgium, I receive my monthly transfers
at no extra cost

Monthly unlocking of blocked account (x12)

When I arrive in Belgium, I receive my transfers every month. directly to my Studely payment account or to another bank account of my choice.

Visa refused

I can request the conservation of my funds
for a new application.


I can request a refund of my funds
from my blocked account

1Payment of funds can be made by transfer to my blocked account or by cash deposit into a Studely bank account in Africa.
