Study In France: Here’s Why You Should.
If you’re looking for a country in Europe to study as an international student, you should start thinking about France. There are many benefits of studying in Europe, but France has its touch. France is a popular destination for international students. Nearly 370,000 international students resumed studies in the 2020/2021 session alone, and that number is increasing. There are a lot of reasons why that is.
You can join the large ranks of international students that fill the halls of French universities, and we assure you that you’ll love it. But you don’t have to take our word for it. Here are a few reasons you should study in France as an international student.

High Quality Of Education
Many European countries can boast of high quality of education, but France takes it a step further. Many French universities are regularly found in rankings of best international universities. These include Pierre and Marie Curie University, the École Polytechnique, and the University of Paris-Sud. A degree from these institutions is sure to be an eye-catcher on your resume.
And it isn’t restricted to just universities. There are many top-tier business schools in France, so getting an MBA there is quite attractive. HEC Paris and ESSEC Business School were in the 2020 Financial Times ranking of the top ten higher education institutions.
Modest Tuition Fees
After the quality of education, the next thing you should know about before you study in France is the tuition fee. And we should tell you straight away; it isn’t expensive. If you’re from Switzerland or an EEA country, you’re eligible to study tuition-free. You do have to pay a matriculation fee of 200 euros annually.
If you’re not from these countries, you’d have to pay tuition fees. These could range from 2,000 to 4,000 euros per year for public universities and up to 20,000 euros annually for private universities. These fees are cheaper than most you can find in other European countries. You could also apply for a scholarship and pay no tuition. There are many of those opportunities open for international students.
There Are English Courses
Studying abroad can be tricky, especially when you don’t speak the local language. That could be a huge problem in some countries, but not France. Many French universities provide English courses for international students who don’t speak their language. These universities are usually the ones in major cities like Paris or Lyon.
In these places, English speakers abound. Not only in the classrooms but in the surrounding areas also. That would make your stay as an international student a lot less confusing. You mustn’t speak the language to study in France.
Accommodation is Easy To Get
There are many options for your accommodation if you decide to study in France. So, there’s no need to fret. You can go for a publicly owned building or a private one. There are many student Hostels too, but if you value your privacy, you could get an apartment on your own.
The accommodation options in France are plentiful when you want to study in France, but a few are here.
- CROUS Residences
Some housing options are managed by CROUS. This stands for the centres régionaux des œuvres universitaires et scolaires, which translates to regional centers for student services.
These residences are owned and subsidized by the French government. Due to that, their monthly rent is low, costing about €450 in Paris and less elsewhere. Their residents include local and international students who study in France.
They are usually close to school, and occupants in those residences qualify for housing assistance from CAF. Due to the high student population, there are ample opportunities for social interaction with fellow students.
Their only drawback is that the competition for spaces is challenging.
- International Student Residence Of Paris
This option is limited to international students in universities in the Paris region. The International Student Residence is an extensive collection of houses offering accommodation for nearly 6,000 students who study in France from different parts of the world.
It is also restricted to students working on a Master’s degree or above. Their fees vary based on some criteria, but they are affordable.
- Student Residences From Private Companies
These options include hostels owned by non-profits or religious organizations and privately owned ones.
They are tailored for students. So, they may not be as cheap as the earlier options, but they are more affordable than individual housing.
Social interaction is guaranteed in these places. They may also give other amenities such as laundry facilities, internet, or gym equipment. These all depend on the location.
- Living With A French Family
Another option is to live with a French family. The rents for these options are usually cheaper, and you benefit from the undiluted French life. For people that wish to learn French while they study in France, this is a good option.
Some families may also offer reduced fees for certain services like childcare or language lessons.
There is also Intergenerational housing. This involves you staying with an older person in their home. The rents are usually relatively cheap and sometimes free. All they need is your reassuring presence in their home. You can check out the non-profit organizations that offer these services.
- Private Apartments
If you’re unable to get any of the other options, you could choose to rent an apartment. You could do that alone or find a roommate.
However, the prices for these arrangements are higher than the rest. You should expect to pay at least €800 in Paris and about €500 elsewhere.
Picturesque Landscapes And Tourist Attractions
You would not spend your entire time in the classroom. Sometimes, you might want to take some time off, and France is an excellent place to do that. From the picturesque landscapes of Paris to the beautiful villages, there is a lot to see in France.
For an international student, choosing to study in France is quite attractive. You gain all the above, and you could also learn the language. More than 270 million people speak French in 30 countries, so learning the language would not be a waste. The application process might be tricky, but we’ll be there to help you in every way we can.